Registering for our BMX races is easy!
First, you will need an account on our website. Registering allows you to save your rider information so you can register for future races even faster! You will need a working email address and the USA BMX serial number for each rider you would like to register.
No way!
Our site is setup with parents in mind. You can manage your whole family of riders with a single login.
Our registration process works just like the registration window at the track. When signing up for a race, you select from Yes/No options for "Racing Class" and "Racing Cruiser" to indicate your preferences.
You do not need to create two separate registrations to enter both bikes.
Once paid, you cannot edit or change your registration online. You will need to contact the track directly.
If you have not yet paid the registration fees, you can view your pending registrations by clicking the shopping cart icon. You can delete any pending registrations and start over if you need to make changes.
If any discounts for class and cruiser combined registrations exist, you will have to register both bikes simultaneously for them to apply.
Once paid, you cannot edit or change your registration online.
Registering both bikes at the same time is preferred. However, life happens!
You can add another bike by clicking the "Sign Me Up!" button again.
Please note, if any discounts for class and cruiser combined registrations exist, you will have to register both bikes simultaneously for them to apply.